Sunday, September 29, 2013

Mahabharata — A Military Analysis: Lt.Col. GD Bakshi

Mahabharata — A Military Analysis: Lt.Col. GD Bakshi (1990) [96P] Lancer Intl, ISBN: 81-


Book Review: Kavneet Singh

Lt.Col GD Bakshi was commissioned in November 1971 into the Sixth Battalion the 

Jammu & Kashmir Rifles. Instructor, Indian Military Academy, 1977-80. Graduate of 

Defense Services Staff College 1983, Brigade Major of Infantry Brigade 1984-85. He 

took premature retirement from the Army to write books.

GD Bakshi seems to be diehard fan and is smitten by

Myth is the basis of reality. The Mahabharata is a significant military myth of the Indian people. 

It provides a very deep psychological insight into the makings of the Indian military mind.....[Page 


Even though Bakshi admits that the "M" is a myth it is shocking to envision sane 

individuals believing in the myth and analyzing it as though it is a historical fact and 

using it as genuine source material.

Chapter 1:

The Indian soldier has been excellent fighting material. To understand why, we must 

understand the myth ofiM~Iahahharata.....[Page 6]

Bakshi forgets that if the Indian soldier was excellent fighting material why did the 

Mughals rule the Indian subcontinent for nearly one millennia. Further Bakshi accepts that 

this fairy tale "exaggerations have been blown it out of all proportion", and forgets that it is a 

tale which has been written by multiple authors over time who wrote a fantastic story due 

to the inherent inferiority complex and being subjugated as Hindus of that time. In trying 

to understand this fairytale the shocking realization is that it is about Brahminical Hindu 

subjugation of the aboriginal people of the present Indian subcontinent. A famous writer 

says, "the very ethos of the caste order precluded it from providing the cohesion, `unity of 

purpose'," so with a perpetual disunity there is no way to make an Indian-Hindu soldier 

good fighting material.

Chapter 2:

The Gita provides one of the most coherent ideological basis for war. It provides a value system 

that overcomes the stresses of battle. The quest for perfection is an end in itself.. .[Page 13].

 the Mahabharata.

The Gita is a dialogue between Krishna and Ai juna. The dark lord Krishna more a politician than a 

god is extolling Aijuna on doing his `caste duty' to fight and kill his first cousins who he is having 

second thoughts about killing. Krishna has basically through psycho mumbo jumbo convinced a 

soldier [Ai.juna] who has suddenly found his conscience to become a killing machine and throw all 

morals and ethics to the wind. This goes against all normal human values. No wonder it is sad that 

Hinduism has no ethical, moral code of conduct.

Chapter 3:

`Vishnu' therefore personifies a civilizational revival or a renewal of lost vitality; a 

restoration of the moral and ethical basis of civilization.....[Page 18]

The author is talking about renewing moral and ethical values when in reality Krishna the 8th 

incarnation of Vishnu; in the Gita is inherently telling i j una to forget about all those human values 

which should not be forgotten. This dichotomy is hard to fathom and does not make any

Chapter 4:

The Hindu literature there is no second work which can be called "national" in the same sense 

as the Mahabharata. The reader I at once struck by two features: in the first place its unity in 

complexity; and in the second its constant effort to impress upon its hearers the idea of a single, 

centralized India with a heroic tradition of her own as a formative and uniting impulse... .[Page 


How in the world can the Mahabharata be called a national work! It is a myth expounded by the 

followers of Santana Dhrama but millions of others do not even believe in it. Furthermore there 

was never a unified "India" till the British put over 550 different little countries together. The word 

India did not exist till the British coined it. Hindu ultra nationalists will find any material including 

a `myth' to prove their argument.

Chapter 5:

The Indian School at 1400BC seems to predate the Chinese by a thousand years.

However, this conclusion is subject to the validation of the actual age of the l 

viahabharata..... [Page 29]

The Mahabharata cannot be validated to date, simply because there have been multiple authors 

writing and rewriting as time progressed and to add to the confusion there have been more than 

several different renditions over time.

Chapter 6:

The end justifies the means; that is the keynote ofKrishna's military philosophy. He has laid great 

stress on; (a) Deception... . (b) Subtef fifge.... (c) Relentless offensive

action..... (d) Use of cunning methods... Psychological Warfare-The War of the Mind: All through 

the course of this war the Pandavas under the advice ofKrishna resorted to Psy Warfare to weaken 

the enemy's will to fight, to play adversely upon the minds of key commanders and even to spread 

discord in the enemy camp.......[Page 37 & 41] It explicitly clear that the dark lord Krishna has no 

scruples whatsoever and truth can be thwarted for any reason as the end justifies the means. If the 

entire Hindu faith follows this core principle and the Gita being the most revered `holy' book of all, 

then that really

sheds [dark] light on the very basic religious foundation of the people that follow this faith. No 

wonder all minorities in modern India are treated like hated enemies and all available [il] legal 

means are used against them with impunity.

Chapter 7:

The authenticity of these vast numbers is debatable.....[Page 49J

It is hilarious that a serious military analysis is being done by the author who accepts that the `M' is 

a myth and all numbers are debatable. Then why analyze a fairytale?

Chapter 8:

The ancient art of war placed great emphasis on the theory and practice of such Vyhas or battle 

drills. These battle drills represent the Indian genius for war and deserve to be studied in very 

great detail.....[Page 67]

Looks like all the ancient Indian art of war was not seriously

True fighting spirit has always been missing in the Indian [Hindu] soldiers because of the over 

dependence on guile and chicanery taught in their `holy' Mahabharata and secondly a highly 

retrograde caste system that completely divides people.

Chapter 9:

The Manu Sinriti says that the king should trust no one and keep even his own queen under 

continuous surveillance. All relatives, ministers and important courtiers must similarly be watched. 

Excellent espionage and security networks existed in the time of the iVahabharata...... [Page 71]

Manu Simriti the holy bible of the `caste system' extorts suspicion of everyone. The very basic 

structure is built upon lies, prejudice and injustice.

Chapter 10:

Dharam Yudh or `Just War' Concept. A war should be just' in terms of cause and motive. If the end 

or cause is just, any means — ethical or otherwise — may be used in its prosecution...... [Page 75]

The key word here is `just'. The problem lies in the definition of the word just; as it can mean 

something very different when defined based on the Mahabharata versus some other religious or 

non-religious ethical entities.

Chapter 11:

Hence the need to study the 1MMIahabharata concept of just war'. At the very least, it highlights 

the cynical importance of painting the enemy as `black' and ourselves as `lily white'. This helps 

national morale and morale is a war-wi nning factor. It is so in the time of Mahabharata' — it 

remains so today.......[Page 83J

This is so true, because this is exactly how all the minorities, lower castes, other Faith groups 

have been subjugated perpetually and treated as the enemy in India especially in the last 60 years.

Chapter 12:

Krishna is a great statesman, a great strategist, the founder of democracy in India in an age 

when hereditary, kings ruled the roost, a great general, Pluto's version of a

 followed centuries thereafter. 

philosopher-king and last but not least a great lover. He is the Indian ideal of manhood..... A text 

as vast as the lvi ahabharata needs to be treated with respect. It indeed is an invaluable `National 

Epic' with a universal message. It is an invaluable psychological document...... [Pages 87, 88 & 92]

It is remarkable to call the dark lord Krishna a great statesman based on the extremely world class 

level of unethical and immoral behavior. He uses every scheming base instinct to advise Aijuna in 

the battlefield. Most pimps and gigolos would be saints in comparison to Krishna's amorous and 

raunchy love life. If Krishna is the Hindu ideal of manhood then in most civilized countries today 

such an individual would be called a world class `scoundrel' at the very minimum. So the question 

arises, what is so valuable within this `fairytale' since there is no universal message within it. I 

do give the author this, i.e., that the `M' is an invaluable document to show the extremely deviant 

minds of the authors and the actors in it. Most importantly it goes to show that the followers of the 

`M' really beat to different drummer; the highly [un] ethical kind.

By doing a military analysis the author has inadvertently done a favor to the readers by candidly 

detailing the seamy war fairytale. Anyone trying to understand the true Hindu [Brahmin] psyche 

needs to add this small book to their list.

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