Rachakonda Viswatha sastry was revolutionary telugu writer from Visahhapatnam, India. He was born in 1922 and by his 16 th year he met M N.Roy in Vizac. Mr Abburi Ramakrishna rao, librarian and stage specialist in Andhra University at that time brought Roy to the university and introduced to vice chancellor Cattamanchi Ramalingareddy. Abbru Varadarajeswararao, son of Ramakrishnarao and Viswanatha sastry were friends and together they met Roy. They were students in A V N College, Vizac at that time.
Since the meeting of Viswanatha sastry with M N Roy is important I was curious to know details.
The brother of Viswanatha sastry Dr Narasimha Sarma who lives in Visakhapatnam traced the dairies and sent me the details. The dairies were written in Telugu and hence Narasasimha Sarma put it in English for me and sent me .
I am giving that historical important information here:
Aug,19 Thursday 1937We went to meet M.N.Roy today. We were introduced as membersof the executive committee of Youth League. He is very tall,His pronunciation is German. His wife is an American.Aug. 22 1937M.N.Roy's lecture in the beach today. It seems he saidthat Socialism is not appropriate for India at this time27th August 1937 FridayM.N.Roy presided over and delivered the "History Inauguraladdress, We had a photo and Tea party. When we toldour Principal about our inviting M N Roy, he asked us whetherwe were going to learn from him about making bombs..Some one seems to have informed M.N. Roy about thiscomment by the Principal. He spared no words in criticising thePrincipal in his speech.18th (month?) Saturday 1937Today he gave (me) our photo taken with M.N.Roy.It came out well.19th Sunday July 1938I began (reading) Letters to C S P.(M N ROY).(He is)writing sensibly and logically.23rd July 1938I am thinking of subscribing to "Independent India".24th Friday July 1938I purchaseda a copy of Independent India".today. It containsarticles by M N Roy on"Rights and Responsibilities"and "Mass Contact".Friday the 3rd inst.1938 (I forgot to copy the month)A person called Spratt wrote an article in the Indian Reviewin reply to M.N.Roy and Tagore. and supporting Gandhiji.It is an article worth reading.whom29th August Monday 1938A discussion took place today between Rajeswara Rao andN.V.Rama Rao on M N Roy. N.V.Rao does nor like M N Roy.whom Rajeswara Rao goes on prasing. It seems that N VRama Rao is not a Congres Socialist or Royist or Gandhiist.I am however a Gandhiist.15th May 1941 ( I have to verify this date again)Gndhism, Nationalism, Socialism by M.N. Roy.I read this book. He wrote it critically. Some subjects (aspects?)have been clarified after my reading this book. END OF ENTRIES FROM MY BROTHER'S DIARIES
posted by Innaiah Narisetti